
Amore na More

A poetic, touching and hilarious new story tinged with philosophy interpreted by the actors who have already toured the world with their previous shows.

The story takes place on an island, where boats have not stopped for a long time, in a small hotel forgotten by God whose best days were long gone. Regular customers spend the rest of their lives here, immersed deeply in their inner world.
One day, a boat lands on the island and the arrival of new customers immediately changes the scene. Quickly, the whole hotel will be caught on a succession of events and metamorphoses, revealing for all the characters and the spectators multiple facets of human existence. Borders are collapsing. Love happens. Change is coming.

The Troupe

Teatr Semianyki, based in St. Petersburg, is composed of the six original creators of the show bearing the same name. The artists were part of the first graduating class of the School for Theatre and Mime founded by the famed Teatr Licedei.


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